25 October 2023

Community grants on offer to help decarbonise Bristol

Bristol City Leap has £1.5 million to support local community organisations to deliver energy projects over the next five years through grants of between £1,000 and £50,000 and 0% interest loans.

Bristol City Leap Community Energy Fund sits against a backdrop of the cost of living crisis, rising energy costs, and Bristol’s collective efforts to become a carbon neutral city by 2030. For Bristol to meet its net zero goals, the city needs to reduce its energy demand, make its buildings more energy efficient and increase renewable energy generation and sourcing.

With the help of Bristol City Leap Community Energy Fund, community organisations can explore ideas and carry out feasibility work, options analysis and business case modelling to develop projects that will contribute to the decarbonisation of Bristol.

This transition to a green economy also presents opportunities to deliver wider social benefits linked to the creation of local jobs, healthier, more resilient communities and a means to address inequality.

The fund aims to:

  • reduce the use of fossil fuels
  • enable communities to interact with Bristol Heat Network
  • support communities to reduce their energy consumption

Local organisations, such as charities, social enterprises and community energy groups play a vital role in making this happen.

Find out more about the fund and how to apply.

Bristol City Leap logo on an illustrated background of houses on a riverbank

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