Whitehouse Street regeneration

Whitehouse Street is a regeneration area located at the southern edge of Bristol city centre, between the New Cut, Bedminster Parade and St Luke’s Road. It is flanked to the southwest by the Bedminster Green regeneration area and to the east by the Mead Street regeneration area, which together form a ribbon of development from Bedminster to Temple Meads. The Whitehouse Street regeneration contains eight development plots, four of which have been sub-divided. The area is predominantly occupied by light industrial and commercial uses.

Bristol City Council, in partnership with landowners and the local community, produced a regeneration framework to guide the transformation of the area. The process began in early 2021 and concluded with a formal consultation early in 2023.

Artist’s impression of a new central plaza area in the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Area. Showing people living and working in the area in a landscaped car free environment with cycle lanes. This is not a detailed design

The Community Manifesto

We have worked with Action Greater Bedminster, a group that works to improve Bedminster and Southville, to create a Community Manifesto before starting any design work. To produce it, Action Greater Bedminster partnered up with Windmill Hill City Farm, The Sanctuary, Fun 4 Families and our Community Development team to reach a broad range of local stakeholders. This included those who do not normally engage with the development process, such as residents in hostels, visually impaired residents and foodbank users. The Community Manifesto put forward this vision:

We want Bedminster to thrive and grow, supporting diversity, sustainability and accessibility. Whitehouse Street can be a key part of this, complementing what is already in the area and creating new opportunities. It is a potential connector between Temple Quarter, Redcliffe flats, Bedminster and Windmill Hill.

Our priorities for the area are for it to be safe, inclusive and sustainable. We want it to support wildlife, to benefit the health and wellbeing of those who live and work in the area, and to appeal to a range of ages and backgrounds. The development should create a true community for current and new residents and businesses as well as being an asset to our neighbourhood.

The principles within the manifesto informed the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Framework and will therefore inform more detailed proposals for the area as the project progresses. Action Greater Bedminster remained involved throughout the production of the regeneration framework.

Read the Community Manifesto.

Front cover of the Whitehouse Street Development Community Manifesto faint street view.

Community Manifesto Summary

Community building

  • New formal and informal, indoor and outdoor gathering spaces.
  • A safe layout both in terms of crime and traffic, with good quality lighting and signage, and ground level areas well overlooked.
  • Routes through the site should promote community building.


  • Good quality green spaces, new trees and preservation of existing trees.
  • Provide a community growing space.
  • Buildings should be retained and re-used if possible.
  • The area should account for potential flooding.


  • Improved cycling and walking routes.
  • Reduced through traffic and priority for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Improved cycle parking.
  • Parking provision for businesses.
  • Public realm improvements to Bedminster Bridge, Philip Street, St Luke’s Road, Langton Street Bridge, Stillhouse Lane.


  • A mix of housing types and sizes.
  • Good proportion of affordable/social housing.
  • High rise buildings should be kept to a minimum and should not impede views to Victoria Park.
  • The homeless shelter should be retained or re-homed.


  • A mix of businesses and skill levels should be provided and current businesses enabled to stay if possible, with support for re-location.
  • Existing community assets, such as the gym and yoga studio, should be retained.
  • Spaces for new businesses should be provided, particularly the creative sector.


  • Educational facilities should be integrated into the development.
  • Accessibility should be a core element of all design with consideration for all users.
  • The development should contribute to the improvement of air quality.
  • Play space and facilities for young people should be integrated into the design.
  • Pressure on childcare and school places needs to be considered.
  • Existing nightlife, such as Fiddlers, should be retained and an attractive place to come in the evening.


  • The development should acknowledge the history of the area and link into surrounding spaces through road layouts and public art.
  • Developers should mitigate the impact during construction and meanwhile uses should be introduced to avoid blight through neglected empty buildings.