For regeneration to be successful and deliver much needed new homes and employment space, it must be financially viable, and height can help support viability. If developments are deemed unviable, they are unlikely to be built.
Bristol City Council’s supplementary planning guidance, Urban Living SPD Urban Living SPD: Making successful places at higher densities (, gives further detail on how higher buildings are to be developed and sensitively integrating into their surroundings. This includes how to make them safe and enjoyable places to live, while reducing negative impacts on the surrounding areas.
The concern that some residents have regarding the height of the buildings is understandable, given that the area is relatively low-rise. However, it tackling our housing crisis is an urgent priority for our city. Average house prices are now nine times higher than average earnings – the highest of all the core cities. Bristol has over 15,000 people on the council’s housing waiting list, and around 1,000 families in temporary accommodation. The city’s population is also set to grow by almost 100,000 people by 2050.