15 May 2024

Start borrowing from Bedminster Library of Things

Share Bristol, with support from Bristol City Council and Bedminster Green Plot 2 developers, has opened a Library of Things on East Street in the former Shoe Zone at St Catherine’s Place shopping centre.

The Library of Things is a place where people can borrow items they need for a short period of time, rather than buying them. This can save people money and reduce waste. The Library has a wide variety of items available to borrow, including tools, kitchenware, gardening equipment, and toys.

The lease for Library of Things, negotiated with Plot 2 developers Firmstone Consortia, has been possible thanks to the East Street Property Partnership, which you can read more about here. The Share Bristol team have also received a Vacant Commercial Property Grant as part of the council’s City Centre and High Streets Recovery and Renewal programme.

Anna Ralph, a Share Bristol Trustee says, “After months of preparation and hard work, we are opening the doors of Bedminster’s Library of Things for the first lending sessions in May. However, this is a gradual opening, so we’re calling this ‘MAYbe May’. We are looking for residents to volunteer their time or donate items for lending.”

The library is now open on Wednesdays from 12 to 2pm and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. An official opening is planned for June.

In the meantime, people interested in joining Share Bristol can pop in for a chat, sign up, and start borrowing. When you join Share Bristol, you can borrow from any of the Library of Things locations in Bristol: Kingswood and East Street.

For more information, visit the Share Bristol website.

Bedminster Library of Things shop front on East Street

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