6 July 2023

Works on Whitehouse Lane

Works have been taking place along Whitehouse Lane and Whitehouse Street to lay the pipework to connect Bedminster Green to the District Heat Network.

Working alongside local utility providers, pipework has been installed between the southeast corner of Windmill Hill City Farm, the Philip Street junction and sections of Whitehouse Street.

Night-time works between Clarke Street and the southwest corner of the farm are ongoing and will conclude towards the end of 2023. The works are taking place at night to minimise disruption where possible to businesses in the local area.

Future work includes drilling boreholes on the southern side of Bedminster Green. These works are necessary to design the buried pipework that will be installed under the green. It will take one or two days to do the borehole drilling and Vattenfall Heat will take measures to minimise impact on the green. No trees will be removed as part of the borehole works.

Vattenfall Heat and their installation partners will continue to visit affected businesses and residents to discuss the impact further and ways it can be minimised.

This is a holding image of the Bedminster Green logo.

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