Bedminster Green Public Art
The scale of development taking place at Bedminster Green provides a unique opportunity for the site-wide delivery of public art.
Scoped and agreed with developers, and informed by a community ‘Hive’ group, the ‘Futureweave’ strategy sets out the foundations for developing a programme of cultural commissioning across the regeneration area, with an aspiration that this leads to ongoing cultural and creative programming within Bedminster Green and surrounding area.

Hive workshop process. Credit: Harriet Hand
Plot specific strategies and delivery plans are linked to the site wide strategy; developed by Ginkgo, a public art consultant with respective developers. These are designed to be both embedded in the site-wide approach whilst also able to be produced and realised to discharge developer-specific obligations independent of other surrounding plots (and timelines).
‘Futureweave’ (as the strategy is named) is a programme of artist residencies (likely to be 2 per development scheme) leading to a range of permanent and event based cultural activity and public art commissioning within and beyond the Bedminster Green plots.
‘Futureweave’ (as the strategy is named) is a programme of artist residencies (likely to be 2 per development scheme) leading to a range of permanent and event based cultural activity and public art commissioning within and beyond the Bedminster Green plots.
The Residencies
The residencies will respond to three identified themes with relevance site-wide: Shared happening (bringing people together), greening, and connecting narratives and deliver to the following wider priorities: growing skills capacity, communications, legacy development.
Many projects coming out of the residencies will have a physical presence within the built environment or public realm; others will result in enduring memories/experiences which will come out of the opportunities for existing and new residents and communities to engage with artists and their creative practice.
The programme will have oversight from an advisory steering group (potential membership: representation from each developer, BCC Regeneration and Arts Development officers, community representatives) administered by the lead public art producer, and will work to achieve a sitewide programme of curation, project management and comms plan.