Leading aims

There are four aims for Bedminster Green which informed this high-level framework.

Health and wellbeing

Wellbeing requires an environment that brings together a range of elements to positively contribute to health, happiness and living life to the fullest. This includes good quality homes, services, identity, public transport, parks, trees, streets and public spaces that provide good environments for walking cycling, enjoyment and social interaction.

Sustainable growth

Sustainable living ranges from public transport and energy to construction materials. Each aspect, idea and design move will have to think about the impact on social wellbeing, the economy and the environment.

Inclusive streets, spaces and homes

Inclusive communities mean making sure the public realm, homes and buildings are accessible and can appropriately accommodate different generations, mobility and sensory abilities. The needs of children, play and safety should inform the design of the public realm. Ground floor uses and spaces should be suitable for community needs.

Balanced community

A balanced community is formed through a mix of homes and choices. This includes affordable housing to meet needs, informed by understanding the wider Bedminster community and its overall mix of house types and tenures.

Framework quick links

Reinforcing East Street

Green network and the River Malago

Human scale for Dalby Avenue

Fronting and enclosing streets

Transitioning new and old neighbourhoods

A legible place

Connecting the neighbourhood

A network of spaces

Sustainable energy and clean air