Reinforcing East Street

East Street is at the heart of Bedminster and the new development aims to enhance this. It will create streets that are pleasant and overlooked and which transition from a residential character to the town centre high street. An updated St Catherine’s Place, the Green and Bedminster station will act as stepping stones along the way.

The increased housing density will support the transformation of St Catherine’s Place and help boost footfall and spend on East Street.

Key objectives

Public realm

The landscaping will reflect street hierarchy and identify connecting routes. Landscaping will guide transitions through new areas.

Balance traffic users

Access arrangements for different uses will be integral, from pedestrians to buses and the role of cars and parking.


Frontages are key to a town centre, from branding to the management of vacant units. These will be selectively enhanced and varied.

Illustration: Diagrammatic only; not to scale or in proportion. All precedents and ideas are only one possible approach and do not preclude alternative approaches that address the same challenges.

You can read the full Bedminster Green Framework.