Create a sustainable neighbourhood

Key objectives

Towards net zero carbon

  • Create a low carbon neighbourhood that can contribute to Bristol achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.
  • Development that incorporates efficient and sustainable heating and cooling systems.
  • Development that includes high standards of energy efficiency within buildings.

Climate change mitigation

  • Create a neighbourhood which has been designed to mitigate and adapt to the impact of global heating on the local climate.

Sustainable neighbourhood

  • Enable walking and cycling journeys and sustainable transport modes that will contribute towards improving air quality.
  • Create a socially sustainable neighbourhood with a mix of homes, employment, community space and access to open green spaces.
  • Achieve a minimum of 10 per cent biodiversity net gain.

Climate change is both a local and a global issue. There is a unique opportunity within the Whitehouse Street regeneration area to make sure the area is planned to adapt to the effects of climate change to create a climate resilient neighbourhood.

Whitehouse Street regeneration area is in a highly sustainable location with local amenities and transport connections within a short walking or cycling distance. A new cycle track and pedestrian connections will encourage and enable people to travel by foot or bike and reduce car dependency.

The Bedminster district heat network will be extended with the creation of a new energy centre serving the Whitehouse Street area. All development will be expected to connect to the district heat network to benefit from this source of low carbon heat.

Development will need to achieve a minimum 10 per cent biodiversity net gain. Given the likely low baseline biodiversity score for a number of development sites and the public realm, it is expected that significant gains can be generated across the regeneration area.

New sustainable urban drainage features and trees will be incorporated into the streets to mitigate the effects of more extreme weather events in future.

Read the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Framework.

A plan showing the extent of the planned Bedminster Hear Network. The first phase, which is currently being installed is shown around the Bedminster Green development. The Whitehouse Street and Mead Street Regeneration Areas are shown as a second phase. A third phase includes Asda and new developments in central Bedminster. A energy centre is shown located on the corner of Willway Street. A temporary energy centre is shown next to the junction of Whitehouse Street and New Queen Street.


  1. Bedminster heat network phase 3
  2. New street trees and street planting
  3. Proposed site of permanent energy centre
  4. Bedminster Green regeneration area
  5. New cycle track to Bedminster Green
  6. New cycle track to Bristol Temple Meads
  7. Mead Street regeneration area
  8. Whitehouse Street regeneration area
  9. Proposed site of temporary energy centre