Create new employment space for existing and new businesses

Key objectives

Supporting local enterprise and employment

  • No net loss of jobs over the core regeneration area.
  • Aspiration for jobs growth which provides job opportunities for local people.

Integrate homes and jobs

  • Commercial and employment spaces will contribute towards the sense of place.
  • Contribute around 2,000 new homes towards the central Bedminster area policy target, with a range of types, tenures and sizes.
  • Accommodate existing businesses that want to stay where possible, and attract new businesses that are compatible with new homes.
  • Provide new community space to serve the new neighbourhood.

Supporting inclusive growth

  • Provide a range of new employment types and retain space for industrial and manufacturing businesses.
  • Unlock employment and training opportunities for local residents.

The regeneration of the Whitehouse Street area will need to provide new employment space alongside new homes to create a successful and vibrant mixed-use neighbourhood.

New employment space in the Whitehouse Street regeneration area will provide space for existing businesses and growth sectors. A mix of employment spaces will be provided for a range of different businesses, including a focus on light industrial and manufacturing businesses.

Up to 15,000m2 of new employment space will be provided to ensure no net loss of jobs across the framework area, with an aspiration for growth in jobs.

Existing businesses within the core regeneration area that are compatible with a mixed use neighbourhood should, where possible, be enabled to relocate within the regeneration area or the neighbouring Mead Street regeneration area. Where businesses are unable to remain within the regeneration area, the council will seek to support businesses where possible.

Regeneration should support city wide priorities for inclusive growth and a diverse economy including opportunities to unlock employment and training opportunities for local residents.

Read the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Framework.

Plan showing the proposed employment strategy. The existing businesses along the southern part of Willway Street are expected to remain. The council are working with Help Bristol’s Homeless to find a new home. Commercial or community spaces will provide active frontages to the central public space. Plot 1a, between Whitehouse Street and Willway Street, is identified as a location with an employment focus, including light industrial workspace. The centre of the site is shown as a possible location of a community space. The council are working with Help Bristol’s Homeless, (located on Spring Street) to find a new home.

Land use and employment strategy plan


  1. Existing businesses along this section of Willway Street are expected to remain.
  2. Plot 1b identified as a location for an energy centre serving the Bedminster heat network.
  3. All plots will be expected to contribute to providing employment space.
  4. New community space at the heart of the regeneration area (indicative location).
  5. The council is working with Help Bristol’s Homeless to find a new home.
  6. Commercial or community spaces providing active frontages to public space.
  7. Employment focus space on plot 1a, including light industrial workspace.