
The regeneration framework identifies four themes which address the needs of the community manifesto and project brief. From these themes follow a set of six principles which structure the regeneration framework. Embedding the principles into design is anticipated to deliver a set of outcomes for the regeneration.

A sustainable community

Bristol is aiming to deliver 33,500 new homes by 2036. The Whitehouse Street Regeneration area has the potential to provide around 2,000 of these in a highly sustainable brown field location as part of a vibrant mixed-use neighbourhood.

A place to work

To ensure no net loss of jobs across the framework area up to 15,000m2 of new employment space of a range of types will be provided. Where possible, existing businesses that are compatible with a mixed-use neighbourhood will be able to remain.

A well connected neighbourhood

To support the new neighbourhood, new and improved pedestrian and cycle routes will be created. New pedestrian streets and potential improvements to Philip Street will seek to improve connections to East Street and Bedminster Parade. Connections will be made to the Mead Street and Bedminster Green Regeneration Areas.

A green neighbourhood with high quality public realm

The streets and public realm will be redesigned to be suitable for a mixed use neighbourhood and include new street trees, pocket parks and soft landscaping.

Regeneration principles

Climate change and Sustainability

Transport and movement

Placemaking and character

Height, scale and massing

Land use and employment

Public realm and green infrastructure


A sustainable community

  • Mixed tenure neighbourhood
  • Family-friendly with a range of home types
  • A neighbourhood close to amenities
  • Low energy and sustainable
  • Strong identity
  • Integration of existing community with new residents and businesses

A place to work

  • Well integrated to other uses
  • Working with existing employers
  • Space for growth sectors
  • Supporting homegrown businesses
  • Different types of employment

A well connected neighbourhood

  • Walkable streets
  • Safe cycle routes
  • Rail and Metrobus links
  • City centre proximity
  • Low car environment
  • Integrated and inclusive mobility

A green neighbourhood

  • Close to parks and play spaces
  • Tree-lined streets
  • Green roofs
  • Rich in biodiversity
  • Community food growing spaces